SeaqHelp today.
Help is never far for those who Seaq it. Resources are available throughout Ohio that provide mental health and addiction services.
MASC: maryhaven addiction stabilization center
Thanks to medical breakthroughs such as Narcan, there are now treatment and stabilization centers that can grant those afflicted by addiction a second chance.
mhafc: Mental health america of franklin county
Mental Health America of Franklin County (MHAFC) is an affiliate of Mental Health America, the country’s leading organization dedicated to helping all people live mentally healthier lives.
Take their free online screening for Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, PTSD, Alcohol and Substance use, a Youth and Parent screen, a Work Health Survey, and a Psychosis screen today.
Don’t live in denial ohio
Talk to your kids about opioids. Having regular conversations with your kids about the dangers of opioids can make a life-changing impact. It may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.